Do you need help exploring and developing your strengths?
Take our Character Strength Assessment by registering and completing the survey. It's NO CHARGE, & it's available to everyone.
The Values in Action (VIA) Survey is one of the leading assessments to highlight an individual's character strengths (Peterson & Seligman, 2004). This survey measures 24 character strengths which fall under six overarching categories, namely wisdom, courage, humanity, justice, temperance, or transcendence.
Cultivating meaning in life is a worthwhile pursuit. Research shows that finding meaning and purpose in life can make you happier, healthier, and more resilient to challenges.
In this no-charge guide, get to know the 6 strengths that have a strong correlation to meaning—plus tips to nurture these strengths in your daily life.
Character strengths are positive traits - capacities for thinking, feeling, and behaving in ways that benefit you and others.
The VIA Classification of Character Strengths is comprised of 24 character strengths that fall under 6 broad virtue categories. The no-charge VIA Survey is designed to measure the 24 character strengths in individuals.
Character : Be a Piece of the Rock
Charisma: The First Impression can seal the deal
Commitment: It Separates Doers from Dreamers
We teach John Maxwell leadership philosophy and principles either in groups or one on one setting. Additionally, we have the capacity to teach your team how to live debt free, budgeting strategies, retirement planning and how to win with their money.
OUR MOTTO: Remember folks, not everyone will see your vision. Not everyone will want to participate in your dream. That's ok and that is why it is YOURS. Live it, take action on it and don't wait for others to get it. Put a little EXTRA in your LIFE.
Lafleur Leadership Institute