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Engage Team • August 25, 2016
The mediocre teacher tells.
The good teacher explains.
The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires. William Arthur Ward
By Engage Team August 25, 2016
LaFleur Leadership Institute Tip of the Day: Day 5: 7 characteristics of a leader. 6. Fairness: Matthew 7:12, Matthew 5:45-48, Romans 12:17-21 - Followers of God are to be Leaders of men and live at a higher level - All leaders go thru 2 major phases: The Call and The Preparation - During Preparation: All leaders get tested to live at a higher level than others. No one responded better than Jesus. - During that time emerging leaders experiment o discover their strengths and weaknesses. To reach their potential, however, leaders must pass many tests. 7. Compassionate: Proverbs 19:17, Matthew 1:18-25 - Joseph was very obedient and have total trust in order to go to a higher level.
By Engage Team August 24, 2016
LaFleur Leadership Institute Tip of the Day: Day 4: 7 characteristics of a leader. 5. Dependability: Genesis 39:1-6(The Law of Solid Ground), Proverbs 15:23, James 5:12 - The Law of Solid Ground: Joseph Earns Trust - Leaders operate on a basis of trust. - When we act as a “tool box man” we can even make a enemies like us. - Keep your word: James 5:12 - All you need to say is a simple “yes” or “no”. Otherwise your will be condemned.
By Engage Team August 24, 2016
Generosity is not what a person DOES. Generosity is what a person IS. Generosity is need and abundance. There is a need and we have an abundance to give. It should be selfless. It's less like an arrow but more like a boomerang.
By Engage Team August 23, 2016
LaFleur Leadership Institute Tip of the Day: Day 3: 7 characteristics of a leader. 4. Courageous: Genesis 50:15-21 - Character Breeds Perspective - Joseph showed his leadership character when he did not punish his brothers, instead he loved them. - The development of character is at the heart of our development as leaders. - How a leader deals with the circumstances of life tells you many things about his character.
By Engage Team August 23, 2016
Effective leadership is not how much you know, it's how you use what you know.
By Engage Team August 22, 2016
LaFleur Leadership Tip of the Day: Day 2 of 7 characteristics of a leader. 2. Diligence: Proverbs 6:6-8, Hebrews 11:6 - John Maxwell writes: “Self-Discipline is the ability to do what is right even when you don’t feel like doing it.” Leaders build discipline into their lives because it promotes diligence. 3. Self-Control: Matthew 4:1-11 (The Law of Sacrifice) - Quality Leaders are prepared in the wilderness. - A leader must give up to go up - "The dream is free, however once you start the journey you must pay". Dreaming of going to Hawaii is free. The journey to get there is a fee.
By Engage Team August 22, 2016
Winning with money is 80% behavior and only 20% head knowledge. Make your 80% work for you.
By Engage Team August 21, 2016
LaFleur Leadership Tip of the Day: This week I will share with you 7 characteristics of a Leader. 1. Honesty: The Law of Solid Ground - Trust is the foundation of leadership. - Building the trust requires competence, connection and character. - Character makes trust possible and trust makes leadership possible. - Charisma will get you in the door, character keeps you inside the room. The leaders that you want to follow are bigger on the inside(character) them they are on the outside. Reference: Deuteronomy 16:20, 25:13-16, 1 Thessalonians 4:11-12, 1 Peter 2:12
By Engage Team August 21, 2016
Are you maxing out your retirement? If not, start TODAY. It will be the best decision you make. Pay yourself FIRST.
By Engage Team August 11, 2016
LaFleur Leadership Tip of the Day: The Facts Don’t Lie Recently, my team used a third-party research panel to survey adults about retirement. We wanted to know how much people are saving, how they feel about retirement, which age group is most prepared, and much more. And we’re learning a lot about the state of retirement in the U.S., including who seeks out information on retirement education. Here’s what the study found: * Nearly 40% of upper-income workers (those who make $75,000 or more) have consulted a financial advisor, compared to 10% of lower-income employees (those who make less than $25,000). * Thirty-six percent (36%) of upper-income employees have read books on retirement, compared to 11% of lower-income workers. * Thirty-six percent (36%) of upper-income employees look online to find more information about retirement. On the flip side, just 22% of lower-income workers do the same. Do you see a pattern? I do! Upper-income workers spend a lot more time learning about retirement than people who make less money. That’s a problem. People with lower incomes face enough challenges in saving for retirement without adding a lack of knowledge to the mix!
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