We will cover John’s five foundational levels of leadership. Understanding these levels will help you assess where you are today and determine how to level up your leadership over time.
You’ll learn the value and critical importance of time management as a leader. John will teach you his formula for determining priorities and getting the most important things done every day.
John is back with a teaching on the foundation of leadership, and how you can become a leader that others want to follow. He’ll share three critical questions that people are always asking of their leadership—but may never ask out loud.
In The Ultimate Test of Leadership, John will share his method for creating positive change in your life and the lives of others. His simple strategy for planning ahead before you initiate change will give you a massive head start on your goals and dreams.
This lesson is going to focus on the greatest way to gain leadership, but beware: it’s not as glamorous as it sounds. You see, leadership is earned on difficult ground. That means there are rarely two good days in a row for a leader, so John will teach you how to solve the challenges that come your way.
In The Extra Plus in Leadership, John will share how you can turn your attitude into an asset. He’ll teach you how to you to consider your reactions and your daily disposition, as well as how to hone a whatever-it-takes mindset.
In this lesson, John is going to share insight into the heart of leadership. One of the crucial distinctions of great leaders is that they don’t measure success by the same standards as everyone else. That’s because their focus is not just on results, it’s on how those results are achieved. John shares how you can tap into the heart of leadership and get incredible results from your team.
In this session, John will discuss how vision is crucial to the role of a leader. Leaders have the ability to see more than others see, and see before others see. They then have the task of bringing others into that vision.
In this session, you get a lesson from John covering an essential aspect for developing the leader within you: self-discipline. As you know, leadership means giving up certain things, and the ability to give up certain things requires discipline. But discipline isn’t enough. A leader has to add wisdom, which comes from a growth mindset.
You made it. This is the final lesson in Developing the Leader Within You. You've learned so many crucial lessons for becoming the best leader you can be.
Lafleur Leadership Institute